The month of September represents a new beginning for many church ministries. Unlike January, which is the beginning of the new calendar year, September is the new ministry year for Christian Education, Adventurers, Pathfinders, and Music Ministries. Additionally, this year marks the end of a two-year term for ministry volunteers and the beginning of a new service term for new volunteers. Shortly thereafter, the nominating committee will share a list of names. The proposed list of volunteers will then be voted by the church membership.
In this pastor’s corner, I would like to provide a recap of how September started and a sneak preview of what will be happening over the next two months:
On Tuesday morning, I participated in the consecration service at Crawford Adventist Academy for the beginning of a new school year. This week’s events in Georgia highlight the importance of beginning each school year seeking the protection, guidance, and blessing of the Lord. As I write, the news of the school shooting in Georgia has made headlines. I fear this type of event has become a common and regular occurrence in school settings across North America. The need to begin a new school with prayer is not an option but a necessity in these troubling times. Please pray for our educators in both the church and public school settings.
During this month, several ministries will restart! Both Adventurers and Pathfinders will begin their respective club ministries. These ministries are important in the faith development of our children and youth. As a church, Willowdale sees value in these clubs and is a faithful supporter of both. Our clubs need some additional volunteers, especially male volunteers. Willowdale’s music ministries (children, youth, men, and adult choirs), plus our orchestra ministries, will begin with new recruits and returning members. It is time once again to tune our voices and instruments for the glory of God.
September’s pulpit series will focus on the Three Angel’s Messages of Revelation. The pastoral staff will continue to preach from the book of Revelation in October and November with a series on the Seven Churches of Revelation. A quick review of sermons for 2024 will reveal that we started with Jesus’ Miracles from the Gospels, we continued with Lessons on Spiritual Gifts and Service, the story of Jonah and the Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel), and we will end the year preaching from Revelation. The pastoral team has attempted to provide a balanced biblical menu for our members. Our desire is that all will grow in their relationship with Christ and their love for God’s Word.
Finally, September provides us with an opportunity to do our part in the sharing of the gospel message. Evangelism is simply the sharing of the good news of Jesus and salvation with someone else within our circle of influence. The upcoming Prophecy Odessey series with Doug Batchelor is an opportunity for everyone to participate in the comfort of their home as a missionary for Jesus. I am praying that homes, personal computers, cell phones, and, more importantly, people will be inspired and motivated by the Holy Spirit in these last days of earth’s history to introduce others to Jesus. Maranatha!