Greetings Willowdale Family,
Recently, I had the privilege of reading an old article in the “Ministry Magazine” journal for pastors, and there was an article on “Music: A Power for Good” written by George Wargo. He said one of the fruits of the Spirit is joy. And he knew no better means of expressing this joy than through music. When one has been truly converted and enjoys an intimate, personal fellowship with Jesus Christ, he is almost compelled by his experience to sing to the glory of God, even as Paul and Silas sang praises to God at midnight while in prison. As members of God’s true church, having been called out of darkness into this marvelous light and truth, we have every reason to be known to the world as prayerful, singing people.
Although all are invited to “respond to God’s goodness in notes of praise,” some among us have been blessed with exceptional musical talent. God designs this gift to be a definite part of religious service. Throughout the ages, music has been intimately associated with divine worship. David, the sweet psalmist of Israel, appointed several of the Levites to be the singers and players of Israel, playing on psalteries, harps, cymbals, trumpets, and other musical instruments. Music was a profession to these men of God. They studied their instruments, became proficient in using them, developed a technique, and played and sang to the glory of God, and so it should be today. God has graciously given His people abundant musical talent, and He expects it to be developed. Today, the Willowdale Orchestra is scheduled to play for God’s honor and glory.
The Orchestra group is a collective of accomplished musicians who devote their talents and lives to the service of Jesus Christ. In pursuit of information regarding the origins of the Orchestra in Willowdale, I engaged in a discussion with the Bourne family to gather insights into its inception. They provided the following information: “The Willowdale Orchestra began about 35 years ago. During that time, Pastor Dave Toop was Willowdale’s youth pastor. He was instrumental in calling our church orchestra a “Music Ministry.” As we grew, we were invited by other churches and our Nursing Home to share our music with them. The orchestra comprised not only individuals from the Willowdale Church but from members of the surrounding area churches. In the beginning, we did not have an orchestra budget. All the music for each instrument was handwritten and/or transposed when needed. We originally started with about ten members, and over time, it grew to 42 members. This number varies from year to year. To date, there are 26 members. Occasionally, we have members who leave to further their studies. Some of these members return to the orchestra after completion of their studies. God has blessed this Music Ministries with dedicated and committed individuals of all ages. We pray that He will continue to guide and bless this ministry as we serve Him through music.”
We extend our gratitude to the Bourne family and all the members of the Willowdale Orchestra group. May divine blessings continue to flow upon you, enabling your contributions to be utilized for the greater glory of God. Today, let us come together to engage in a profound act of praise and worship for our God.
Happy Sabbath, everyone!
Excerpts from the Ministry International Journal for Pastors
Contributions from Len and Annette Bourne