Pastor’s Corner: Health and Ellen White

Pastor Evadne Henry
Pastor Evadne Henry

Hello everyone,

Today, we will be delving into a topic that is important and deeply relevant to each of us- “Health.” This subject, which is a concern for everyone, was a significant focus of Ellen White’s ministry. She dedicated herself to easing the suffering of the sick and guiding them toward the great Physician who heals physically and spiritually. In her book “Counsels on Health,” she emphasized the importance of understanding the philosophy of health for both men and women. This understanding not only enlightens us but also empowers us to take control of our well-being. The link between health and happiness underscores the necessity of prioritizing the former to achieve the latter. A practical comprehension of the science of human life holds profound importance in glorifying God through our bodies. It is disheartening that only a minority possess knowledge about their bodily structure, functions, and the laws of nature, leading many to navigate through life without the necessary understanding, akin to a ship at sea lacking a compass or anchor.

Friends, let us remember that life is a divine gift, and our bodies are entrusted to serve God. Therefore, caring for and valuing our physical vessels is imperative. We are endowed with mental and physical faculties, so we must refrain from actions that defile this entrusted possession. Engaging in detrimental habits, such as late hours, unhealthy dietary practices, and neglecting physical exercise, lays the foundation for debility. By disregarding the laws of nature, individuals who truncate their lifespan are guilty of depriving God of the time meant for His service. The enforcement of temperance must govern the life of every one of us, with a constant focus on God’s glory. Therefore, we must distance ourselves from influences that distract our thoughts and lead us away from God. Beloved friends, we are duty-bound to effectively manage our bodies, regulate our appetites, and control our passions to safeguard purity, holiness, and unwavering devotion to the work required by God. (References: 1 Corinthians 6:13, Romans 12:1) Caring for our eyes is often overlooked when it comes to personal care.

Diagram of the human eye in English. It shows the lower part of the right eye after a central and horizontal section.
Diagram of the human eye in English. It shows the lower part of the right eye after a central and horizontal section. “Schematic_diagram_of_the_human_eye_with_English_annotations” by Rhcastilhos. And Jmarchn, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Remember that our eyes are crucial in helping us navigate the world and experience its wonders. Light enters our eyes through the pupil, which adjusts based on light intensity. The eye has three main layers: the sclerotic coat, the choroid coat, and the retina. Friends, reading early in the morning, before the eyes have fully adjusted to the light, or reading in twilight or lamp-light, can all harm the eyes. It’s best to avoid reading while facing the light of a lamp or window; instead, position the light to shine over your shoulder onto the book. For those who read extensively, it’s essential to spend time outdoors and focus on looking at distant objects. Prolonged reading can lead to vision problems and weaken the eyes, so it’s crucial to remember that all the body’s organs are interconnected and can be affected by each other’s ailments. Therefore, in treating eye disorders, it’s essential to care for the body’s overall health.

May God help us to care for our bodies as He has instructed us in His Word.

Happy Sabbath!

Pastor Evadne Henry
Excerpts from “Counsels on Health” & Handbook of Health”


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