Pastor’s Corner: Have You Completed Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory?

Pastor Evadne Henry
Pastor Evadne Henry

Good morning, Church family,

For the past few weeks, our pastoral team has guided us through the transformative ‘Equip’ series, a journey of putting our spiritual gifts into action. This series, a true blessing, has been instrumental in leading us towards heartfelt service: calling, coaching, connecting, and committing. We believe in the priesthood of all members and the giftedness of every believer. We are convinced that God has a joyful place of service for each one of us. Our uniqueness equips us with a unique way of contributing to the body of Christ.

Ellen White said, “The Talents, however few, are to be used. The question that most concerns us is, how much have I received? And what am I doing with that which I have? The development of all our powers is the first duty we owe to God and our fellow men. No one who is not growing daily in capability and usefulness is fulfilling the purpose of life. In making a profession of faith in Christ, we pledge ourselves to become all that we can be as workers for the Master, and we should cultivate every faculty to the highest degree of perfection so that we may do the greatest amount of good of which we are capable.” (Christ Object Lesson 329).

When Jesus chose the twelve disciples, He did not pick a uniform group. He did not just choose those who were athletic, practical, or leaders. He chose each disciple for who they were. Their characters, gifts, and talents were unique, and each was needed. Jesus still needs every man and woman today. You might be quiet, talkative, thoughtful, or carefree, but remember you bring your unique contribution to the body of Christ. This contribution is valued and integral to the church’s operations.

Scripture makes it clear that God is the ultimate gift-giver (Luke 11:13). He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He wants us to be a blessing to the world. Since the Holy Spirit empowers us with these abilities, we do not have to worry about our own insecurities or limitations. God can use a willing person for amazing things simply because they believe in Him. Using our spiritual gifts not only increases our sense of unity but also deepens our understanding of Christ and His mission. As we follow Christ, make His mission our own, and see His power in our lives, we become more like Him.

May God continue to lead and guide us as we surrender to Him and use our spiritual gifts to glorify Him and help others. Happy Sabbath, everyone!

Pastor Evadne Henry

Note from the Communications Department

Please remember to complete the Spiritual Gifts Inventory on pages 31 to 37 of the EQUIP booklet distributed at church. As we conclude our series of talks, the answers will tremendously help you and the church.


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