Willowdale, I am back! After being away for the last two Sabbaths, one Sabbath preaching at the Bronte Adventist Church and the second Sabbath being on vacation, Michelle and I are super excited to return to our home church and spend the Sabbath with our church family. In this Pastor’s Corner, I will share pertinent information on the direction of the church over the next few weeks as we continue to build off the foundation of Prayer and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the life of the church.
Beginning this Sabbath, February 1st, the pastoral staff will begin a ten-week preaching series entitled “Intense Moments with Jesus.” We have gleaned insights from the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and author Ken Gire. Once again, we have chosen to begin the year with simply, “Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word.” Last year, we began the year with “Incredible Moments with Jesus,” looking into the miracles performed by Jesus during His earthly ministry, but this year, we will pivot to the confrontational, intense moments in the life and ministry of Jesus. The proverbial curtain will be pulled back on some of the most challenging and provocative scenes in the ministry of Jesus. You will not want to miss any of the messages in this series.
Later this evening, February 1st, at 5 p.m., we will have our annual church family business meeting. This meeting is so important in the life of the local church. The meeting will begin with songs of praise and worship followed by a devotional entitled “Extra Grace Required.” The agenda will also include a membership update, evangelistic plans for 2025, ministry reports, and the passing of our financial operating budget for this new calendar year. Last year, our teenage members attended the business meeting and got a firsthand bird’s-eye view of how the church functions. I am personally inviting our youth and young adults to join the “seasoned” membership in voting for the direction of ministry we will take as a church body in 2025. Once again, this annual meeting represents the highest voting authority in the local church, and every baptized member is encouraged and welcome to attend. The meeting should last approximately two hours.
Moving forward this year, we must never forget the importance of prayer in the life of the local church. Every Monday morning, the pastoral staff meets to pray for our membership and the concerns that impact and affect our local church family. Many of the prayer concerns are specific, and other requests are unspoken. Additionally, every Wednesday evening, we gather for the midweek prayer meeting, where we hear a short devotional, share our thoughts in smaller breakout rooms, and pray together in smaller breakout rooms of 2-3 attendees. We are two weeks into “The Exodus Journey-Choosing Trust over Anxiety on Your Way to the Promise Land,” and the subject matter is so good! Decide to be inspired during the hectic and busy seven-day week. Surviving spiritually on a once-a-week sermon is dangerous to your spiritual health, as eating one meal per week is fatal to your physical health. Jesus said it best, “Man must not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
Finally, Michelle and I would like to share an announcement with our church family this Sabbath. Please be present. Once again, Maranatha, Jesus is coming again, and Shalom, peace for the journey until we meet Jesus.
Pastor Glenn DeSilva