Change is not easy! Most of us are comfortable with consistency, regularity, and steadiness. Problems arise when we are confronted with the never-ending cycle of change. During this week, some of us have encountered a crisis of health, an unexpectant phone call, negative financial news, or simply an unwanted phone call or text message. We live in a world where the “tried, tested, and trustworthy” norms are challenged frequently. Confronted with this fact, I found comfort this week in the following two scripture passages: “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5) and “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). In a world of change and uncertainty we can find a blessed assurance in God, the rock of our salvation and His plan of salvation for each of us.
With this good news in my mind, I now brace myself for daylight savings Sunday morning “spring forward.” The loss of this hour challenges me personally every spring. To be honest, I have no problem “falling back” in the autumn and getting the extra hour of sleep, but the “spring forward” challenges my circadian rhythm, my sleep patterns, and my overall well-being. Sleep deprived and depressed from the collective hour of stolen sleep, travel on our roads provides a wealth of unwanted/wanted business for our friends in the insurance business. A word to the wise, be careful traveling on the roads, drive safe, and slow down. A well-rested, alert, and sharp mind is a great asset to have behind a steering wheel. Remember, traveling with the angels provides all of us with the best traveling companions and insurance plans.
Some of the changes being promoted at Willowdale would be better-called invitations. I am enthusiastic about Sabbath School Alive, and I will personally be starting a new small group Sabbath School class for students searching for a relationship with Jesus and new believers in the Christian faith. I pray that Sabbath School Alive will be viewed by our congregation as a positive opportunity for us to share Jesus, pray for one another, and have a mission outreach. Our outreach should be for those who still do not know about the abundant life as found in a relationship with Jesus Christ or those who have simply strayed away from the church.
In addition to Sabbath School Alive, all of us should consider other spring ministry service initiatives associated with personal gifts, abilities, and talents. I would like to propose a spring Willowdale Walking Club, a spring/summer Willowdale Garden Club, and a spring Community Children’s Soccer Program. I am super passionate about all three spring options, but unless other members share my passion for spring service then the initiatives become nothing more than my personal hobby horse. Simply put, these service opportunities need disciples/workers. As a disciple of Christ, I am called to serve and share the Gospel of Christ along with fellow members in creative means and ways to grow the body of Christ.
As we awake from our winter slumber, the warming weather creates a spring revival for service and ministry. Complaining about my lost hour of sleep does nothing to prepare me and my fellow church members to be the blessing that God intends us to be in the communities in which He has planted us. Willowdale, prophet Isaiah says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Arise and shine!” (Isaiah 60:1-3).
Glenn DeSilva