Beginning this Sabbath, January 27, and continuing for 10 weeks, the pastoral staff at the Willowdale Seventh-day Adventist Church will introduce a sermon series entitled “Incredible Moments with Jesus.” The series is based upon the miracles of Christ and his outstretched hand to the outcast, unwanted, and undesirables, as found in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The pastoral staff was so impressed with the real-life stories of Jesus and his interaction with humanity that they decided to preach this series. It’s about people who had a host of problems that no physician, family member, or friend could address but who found their answers in Jesus. If you want to get to know Jesus, this is a series that will introduce you to a Savior who is moved by our helplessness and wants desperately to bring healing to our lives but, more importantly, be our dearest friend.
In addition to the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy being our foundational source materials, the pastoral staff will also glean insights from Christian writer Ken Gire and his inspirational best-seller “Incredible Moments with the Savior.” Ken writes as though he was present in the house, street, and synagogue when the powerful, life-changing words of Jesus set people free from a lifetime of suffering and hopelessness. Ken has written over twenty books, and he has a heart-felt burden to help individuals create space for personal reflection when reading the biblical text. Ken also wants his readers to develop their personal relationships with others and God. Sounds to me like Ken Gire wants us “To Know Jesus and Make Him Known.” I can think of no better sermon series to begin 2024. Pray for your pastoral team that we will preach the story of Jesus with power, conviction, and authority. Our hope is that lives will be transformed, renewed, and empowered by the mercies of Christ.
In addition to the weekly sermons, our worship and praise teams will lead our congregation in one of two theme songs for the series; “I Speak the Name of Jesus” and “Goodness of God.” These praise songs have been pre-selected and will be sung in praise sets before the spoken word. These praise songs lyrically reveal the heart cry of every true disciple, “All My Life God has been Faithful” and “There is Healing in the Name of Jesus.” The pastoral team is pleased that our youth and young adults are playing such an important part in our worship by leading us into a season of praise that prepares the hearts and minds of our congregation to experience the presence of God in a moving and meaningful way. Prayerfully allow the spirit of the living God to fall afresh as we delve into the Word of God and seek to honor our God by praising His name in song.
Pastor Glenn DeSilva
P.S. Our new Prayer meeting series, “After God’s Heart,” is a midweek blessing. Plan to attend and be renewed and restored in your faith walk with Jesus.