What’s Happening?
Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will hold a virtual Together with God Camp Meeting. Running Friday evening, August 5, and all-day Sabbath, August 6, it will be a chance to reflect on the awesomeness of God, His goodness toward us, and our calling as His followers. As before, there will be separate streams for adults, youth, and young adults.
Here are the links to all the programs:
Adults – https://YouTube.com/Adventistontario
Children – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqcLaUqygatgC1TmLLX9xqw
Young Adults – https://YouTube.com/Adventistyouthontario
Zoom Meetings
Friday Night Connection Cafe
- Meeting ID: 980 6166 8879
- Passcode: 339930
- https://zoom.us/j/98061668879?pwd=ZHJPVzhLeitRYW1DdjFZV3oyOUpodz09
Sabbath Morning Prayer
- Meeting ID: 980 6166 8879
- Passcode: 339930
- https://zoom.us/j/98061668879?pwd=ZHJPVzhLeitRYW1DdjFZV3oyOUpodz09
ASL & Phone
- Meeting ID: 946 2326 8421
- Passcode: 928881
- https://zoom.us/j/94623268421?pwd=QnJ3aloyUDdNdzJxakRwK1M2Tjk3dz09
Spanish Interpretation
- Meeting ID: 961 1294 0681
- Passcode: 986421
- https://zoom.us/j/96112940681?pwd=Y0xlMjhrMVBYMzZyVzVZcGtIeW1OZz09
French Interpretation
- Meeting ID: 969 3515 7919
- Passcode: 872793
- https://zoom.us/j/96935157919?pwd=c1lPczljc0NMbElrTXYyekd6NHpZZz09
Ontario Camp Meeting and the Willowdale Church
On Friday, August 5 and Sabbath, August 6 – you can access the Ontario Conference Together With God Camp Meeting programming from the comfort of your home, or you can come to the church to watch much of the programming along with others. Please take note of the schedule of programming provided by the Ontario Conference and the following information regarding what will be shown at the church:
You can watch the following programs in the Sanctuary with Pastors Ida and/or Jake:
- Friday Evening – begins at 6:55 pm
- Adult Sabbath School – begins at 9:25 am
- Worship Service – begins at 10:55 am
- Ordination Service – begins at 2:55 pm
- First Evening Service – begins at 4:55 pm
- Second Evening Service – begins at 6:55 pm
Young Adults
You can watch the following programs in The Upper Room with Pastor Josiah.
- Friday Evening – begins at 6:55 pm, followed by Connection Café
- Young Adult Sabbath School – begins at 9:40 am
- Young Adult Worship Service – begins at 10:55 am
- First Evening Service – begins at 4:55 pm
- Second Evening Service – begins at 6:55 pm
You can watch the following programs in Room 105 with Pastor Godsoe.
- Friday Evening – begins at 6:55 pm, followed by Connection Café
- Teen Sabbath School – begins at 9:40 am
- Teen Worship Service – begins at 10:55 am
- First Evening Service – begins at 4:55 pm
- Second Evening Service – begins at 6:55 pm
- Children’s Sabbath School: 9:30 am
- Children’s Church: 11 am
- Fundraising Concert: 7 pm
The Children’s programming – will not be shown at the church. But please watch and engage from home!
We are looking forward to Spirit-filled messages from the following speakers:
- Adults, Friday evening and Sabbath morning—Dr. Sung Kwon, Director, Master of Arts Leadership in Social Innovation & Associate Professor of Leadership, Andrews University;
- Sabbath afternoon ordination—Dr. Kevin Burrell, Burman University;
- Teens—Pastor Vanessa Hairston, Worship Pastor, Miami Temple; and
- Young adults—Pastor Aaron Dyer, Worship Pastor, New Life Fellowship, Andrews University
- Children—Pastor Gerry Lopez, Associate Director, Children’s Ministries, North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Programming for children will air on the new Walking and Working with Jesus channel
Some camp meeting highlights will include:
- Engaging presentations focusing on the theme “Together with God”;
- Musical items from a broad spectrum of individual musicians and groups;
- Exciting mission updates from different parts of the Conference;
- Worship and fellowship with your Ontario Conference family and others;
- An ordination service;
- Spanish, French and ASL interpretation;
- Call-in numbers and Zoom rooms for seniors;
- And much more!